Publication Updates + Worldcon

Summer is nearing an end (in the sense of school starting, not so much weather changes). The past two months board gaming and bike riding have been spectacular. The writing has been quite excellent as well.

Nature published my flash fiction, We regret to inform you that your choice of Deathday is no longer available in June. free online. It’s a fun little read about immortality.

Electric Spec accepted a short story that should be out late August. No previews on that one – but I will tell you it’s a signature Dawn story.

Revisions on the short story collection continues. I decided to add a few extra stories for a more full collection, so I’m moving the release date out to December. A few stories are reprints, but several have not been read by anyone except my editor and I.

I will be attending Chicon 8 (World Science Fiction Convention) in September. I’ve been doing some volunteer work behind the scenes and love watching this all come together. I’m still waiting for final panel scheduling, but it looks like I’m filling some volunteer spots. Tour type posts so if want a tour of Chicon 8 and a person to ask questions or get panel recommendations, that will be me. My writers group, Codex, will be representing at the fan tables exhibit area, so if you have questions about Codex, please stop by. I do enjoy meeting new people, and I am especially looking forward to hanging out with writer friends again.

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